FREE & Online Oct 14-18, 2024

Discover How to Skip HORMONE Chaos, End Hot Flashes & Energy Crashes, & Ditch Weight That Won’t BUDGE

without second-guessing what to do, wasting money, or feeling like your body is broken!

Access 50+ experts during this FREE event!

Take control of your health and hormones to reclaim your body.

Plus, get my 14-Hormone-Loving Recipes Guide for FREE

This is a priceless resource when it comes to navigating this pivotal stage of your life. Inside, you’ll discover 14 delicious hormone-loving recipes to reclaim your energy, sleep, focus and metabolism.

You’ll indulge in delicious recipes like the Fresh Pesto Salmon Bowl, Creamy Raspberry Chocolae Shake, Baked Sweet Potato Fries, and Dr. Mariza's Famous Guacamole and  so many others – all created with flavorful ingredients that will help you reclaim your health and vitality.


Feeling exhausted all day and gaining weight is

Feeling exhausted all day
and gaining weight is

"Just a part of life after 40" ... right?


Picture yourself a decade from now..

You feel fit, strong, and healthy. You admire your reflection in the mirror.

You’re traveling the world, playing with the grandkids, and savoring every moment of your life.

You’re certainly not dealing with obesity, cardiometabolic disease or worrying about diabetes. Instead, you’re thriving!

You have the energy to do what you want on your terms.

You’re that woman who’s still hiking and dancing well into her 80s, right?

But right now, it feels like everything in your body is complicated.
  • You’re gaining weight without permission
  • You’re tired when you wake up
  • Your blood sugar and blood pressure are getting dangerously close to out-of-range
  • Your mental health isn’t always what you’d like it to be
  • Mood swings, brain fog, fatigue, and anxiety are constantly ruining your day and productivity
  • You’re terrified that dementia is looming in your future
  • Your libido has vanished
  • Your sleep is suffering big time
  • Your cravings for sugar are out of control
  • Your muscle mass is vanishing
  • Your vagina feels dry and itchy
  • Your bladder leaks every time you sneeze
  • You’re terrified that dementia is looming in your future
  • Migraines hit you every month
And you simply don’t know where to turn.

The idea of HRT is confusing…there’s just so much conflicting advice floating around.

Your doctor’s no help either.

They’ve shamed you for gaining weight and offered you zero solutions outside of prescription medications — which you tried and they didn’t make you feel exactly all shiny and new either.

And if you’ve made it this far, chances are you’ve already been doing your best. You’ve likely tried eating healthier, following the advice of wellness experts, incorporating supplements, and adjusting your lifestyle.

But despite all your efforts, the results just aren’t adding up.

What’s missing is a deeper understanding of the hormonal shifts that are happening beneath the surface—and the specific strategies you need to work with your body, not against it.

If you can stop the hormonal chaos (the invisible hand driving all of these concerns) — you can set yourself up for the future you want. The future YOU deserve.

Now is the time to get control of your hormones, fine-tune your metabolic health, and engineer your longevity.

And in the Thriving in Perimenopause and Menopause Summit, you’ll have a chance to learn exactly how to do that, from the world’s top doctors and experts in this area.

Think About it...
  • Imagine learning how to build muscle from a doctor who works with famous athletes and helps celebrities prepare for superhero roles?
  • What if you could unlock better focus and energy with insights from the doctor behind a 2024 #1 New York Times Bestseller, redefining how we tackle brain fog and inflammation.
  • Or taking a menopause class from a triple-board certified OB-GYN who’s treated over 10K+ menopause patients?
  • What do you think you could accomplish with the top gut health experts in the world by your side?
  • How would your life change if you could burn fat and reset your metabolism with science-backed strategies from a top body transformation coach, tailored specifically for menopause?
  • What could you achieve by learning the best hormone replacement therapy options from a bestselling hormone expert, empowering you to take control of your symptoms and your HRT journey?
  • How much lighter and healthier would you feel if you could finally beat stubborn weight gain and manage your metabolism with long-term wellness strategies from a top midlife health expert?

Imagine the possibilities!


With the information you’ll get at this summit, you’ll finally be able to:

  • Reclaim your energy so you tackle each day without a midday crash
  • Decide if HRT is right for YOU
  • Optimize your metabolic health so you can get rid of that stubborn belly fat and feel confident in your own skin
  • Get your cardiovascular health on point so you can feel healthy and energized every day 
  • Build strength and muscle so you can look and feel amazing!
  • Regulate stress to help with moods, libido, and whole-body health
  • Protect your brain so that dementia doesn’t have to be part of your future 
  • Cool down the inflammation that’s wrecking your health so you can move freely without joint discomfort 
  • Get your sleep back on track so you can sleep soundly every single night, guaranteed.
  • Figure out which supplements to take and when to support your overall wellness
  • Find your long-lost libido so you and your partner can feel connected again
  • Create metabolically healthy meals every day, 3 times a day without fuss or extra work

This is exactly what you need to feel like the strongest, healthiest, and most resilient version of yourself. 

Join 52 World-renowned Doctors & Women's Health Experts & Discover Their Best Secrets to Help You Reclaim Your Energy, Sleep, & Metabolism

Sign Up For The Most Important
Women's Health Event Of The Year
  • 52 Doctors & Experts
  • 100,000s of Women Attendees
  • 5 Incredible Days
  • All FREE

Register FREE Today and access 50+  experts so you can take control of your health and hormones in midlife and  reclaim your body.

These 52 Top Experts Share the Cutting Edge Hormone Solutions to End Fatigue, Hot Flashes, Insomnia, Weight Gain, & More

  • JJ Virgin

    Age Powerfully & Be "Built to Last"
  • Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

    Why Maintaining Muscle Is Necessary for Strength and Longevity
  • Dr. Casey Means

    The Health Costs of Our Modern Life & How to Create Good Energy
  • Dr. Mindy Pelz

    How to Eat for Your Hormones and Optimize Your Energy Levels
  • Dr. Sara Szal Gottfried

    The Connection Between Trauma and Autoimmune Disease in Midlife
  • Dr. Christiane Northrup

    Perimenopause: The Doorway to Profound Freedom and Wisdom
  • Dr. Anna Cabeca, OBGYN

    Why It Takes More Than Bioidentical Hormones to Fix Your Hormones
  • Dr. Mariza Snyder

    The Secret to Supercharging Your Energy, Reslience and Brain Power in Perimenopause
  • Dr. Stephanie Estima

    How to Build Bone, Muscle and Metabolic Resilience in Peri & Menopause
  • Cynthia Thurlow, NP

    Mastering Your Reslience, Metabolism and Everyday Wellness in Midlife
  • Dr. Lara Briden

    Hormone Repair After Age 40
  • Dr. Anthony Youn

    How to Prevent Aging and Get Glowing, Vibrant Skin
  • Katie Wells

    Effective Tools to Calm Stress Deregulation and Create Peace
  • Dr. Tyna Moore

    The Secret Sauce of GLP1 Agonists
  • Dr. Michelle Sands

    The Game Changing Beneftis of BHRT + How to Get Started
  • Ari Whitten

    The Blueprint to Creating Lasting Energy
  • Nat Kringoudis

    Actionable Strategies to Reduce Stress and Burnout
  • Dr. Becky Campbell

    Dispelling Myths About Breast Cancer and Screenings + Navigating HRT After Breast Cancer
  • Dr. Tom O'Bryan

    The Steps to Reverse Inflammation & the Toxic Burden
  • Kristin Johnson & Maria Claps

    The Great Menopause Myth and How We Can Age Wise and Well
  • Dr. Jenn Simmons

    Dispelling Myths About Breast Cancer and Screenings + Navigating HRT After Breast Cancer
  • Dr. Shawn Tassone

    Why We Need to Look at Testosterone Along with BHRT
  • Dr. Aimie Apigian

    Menopause and its Impact on Trauma and Stress
  • Dr. Wendy Myers

    Environmental and Everyday Toxins That Cause Hormone Deregulation
  • Kevin Ellis

    Prevent Bone Loss & Osteoporosis Before and During Menopause
  • Stu Schaefer

    How to Burn Fat & Reset Your Metabolism in Menopause
  • Dr. Carrie Jones

    The Forgotten Symptoms and the 4 Deadly Horsemen of Perimenopause and Menopause
  • Nicole Jardim

    Decoding Perimenopause: Navigating Period Problems During This Transition
  • Dr. Felice Gersh

    What Every Women Needs to Know About Hormone Replacement in Their 40s and Beyond
  • Roxanne Saffaie

    How to Forge an Unbreakable Bond with Your Authentic Self
  • Karen Martel

    The Truth About Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Debra Atkinson

    How to Train in Menopause to Build Resilience
  • Nagina Sethi Abdullah

    Optimize Your Blood Sugar and Curb Your Appetite in Midlife
  • Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz

    Menopause, HRT, and Breast Cancer + How to Advocate for Yourself
  • Dr. Wendie Trubow

    The Impact of Toxins on (Peri)Menopause
  • Holly Bertone

    Create Your Epic Comeback in Midlife
  • Dr. Sharon Stills

    How to Thrive and Be Red-Hot Sexy During the Menopause Transition
  • Dr. Kyrin Dunston

    How to Finally Get Out of Hormonal Poverty and Metabolic Mayhem
  • Dr. Sarah Hill

    The Physical and Psychological Impact of Hormones & Hormonal Birth Control in Perimenopause
  • Dr. Taz Bhatia

    How to Prepare for the Hormone Shift in Midlife + Steps to Thrive
  • Esther Blum, MS, RD, CDN, CNS

    Best Hormone Replacement Therapy Options & Testing for Women
  • Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

    From Diagnosis to Conquering Breast Cancer
  • Dr. Vincent Pedre

    How Your Gut Can Impact Your Hormones
  • Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS

    How to Naturally Heal from Chronic Pelvic Pain
  • Bridgit Danner, L.Ac

    Five Powerful Ways to Keep Your Body Energized and Thriving
  • Dr. Emily Kiberd

    The Importance of Lifting Weights Through Perimenopuase and Beyond
  • Dr. Neeta Nawalkha

    That Sucked. Now What? How to Navigate Profound Transitions in Your Body
  • McCall McPherson, PA

    How to Heal Your Thyroid and Weight Resistance in Midlife
  • Dr. Jessica Drummond

    Navigating Perimenopuase & Menopause with Chronic Illness
  • Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

    The Surprising Link Between Menopausal Symptoms and Blood Sugar Imbalance
  • Dr. Tabatha Barber

    The Benefits of BHRT and How to Boost Metabolic Flexibility
  • Jessica Suchan & Candace Burch

    How to get to the root of hormone imbalance and take back control of your health so you can thrive at any age!

Get FREE ACCESS to the Hormone Relief Summit!


Our world-renowned experts have been featured on...

Register Today to Discover:

  • The latest science behind natural, effective, and SAFE solutions like superfoods, supplementation, and proven lifestyle practices.
  • Which common “health” foods could actually be causing more fatigue, inflammation, and rapid weight gain.
  • How to prevent worsening symptoms, complications, and diseases using the most cutting-edge natural medicine on the planet. (This is info your doctor wasn’t taught in med school!)
  • No-nonsense protocols & solutions for deep, restful sleep, anxiousness, mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes, low libido, brain fog, vaginal dryness, digestive distress and much more
  • The BIGGEST Perimenopuase & Menopause Myths—including that “menopause means you are officially old…It’s the end of your vitality, beauty, femininity, sensuality, and passion.”
  • Why perimenopause sneaks up on so many women, and how—even in your 30s—you can prepare your body for an easy transition to menopause
  • Why environmental toxins, and stress, clash with women’s hormones…and how to remove stressors from your life WITHOUT quitting your job, moving to a remote island, or ignoring everyone

Register FREE to Get Your Most Burning Questions Answered


Why Are My Hormones Changing?

You hit 40 or 50, and suddenly… you don’t recognize your body anymore.

  • Weight is sticking around your midsection.
  • You’re exhausted all day (but can’t sleep at night).
  • PMS hits you like a load of bricks every single month.

And you wonder… Is this the rest of my life?

Perimenopause is one of the most ignored phases of a woman’s life, and it hits everyone a little differently.

It can last up to 10+ years as your body begins the slow transition to menopause, and it’s a period where it may feel like your hormones are on a crazy theme park ride, dragging you behind them.

While conventional medicine tells you to just “have a glass of wine and relax” or “buckle up, because you just need to deal with this for the next few years”… we know better.

There are ABSOLUTELY things you can do to make this transition easier on your body, to set you up for lasting energy and health for decades to come. And that is exactly what’s waiting for you in this Summit…

 Get access TODAY to the wisdom of top women's health experts who are here to help you make this transition with ease and grace!

Meet Your Host,
Dr. Mariza Snyder

National Bestselling Author of The Essential Oils Hormone Solution 
& Essential Oils Menopause Solution

When I was 43 years old, I found myself going through both postpartum recovery and perimenopause at the same time. My energy tanked, weight piled on, and I didn’t feel like myself anymore.

As a new mom with a busy career, I was at my wit’s end. Despite eating well and staying active, my weight continued to climb, and my energy hit rock bottom. I experienced migraines, mood swings, and overwhelming exhaustion—none of which made sense for how well I thought I was taking care of myself.

It wasn’t until I realized that perimenopause was wreaking havoc on my body that I was able to finally take control of my health. I dove deep into research, refined my protocols, and uncovered the metabolic and hormonal imbalances that were driving my symptoms.

Even with my background in women’s health, I hadn’t realized just how much of an impact perimenopause was having on me. But after getting to the root cause, I was able to turn things around—and now, I’m dedicated to helping you do the same.

In the Thriving in Perimenopause & Menopause Summit, I’ve gathered some of the top experts in women’s health to provide you with cutting-edge strategies and actionable solutions that can transform your energy, balance your hormones, and help you thrive in this next phase of life.

So don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn what took me years to figure out — in just 5 days!

 It’s all condensed into simple, actionable advice so you can take what you learn here and make real, sustainable change, quickly.

Get FREE access to the Thriving in Perimenopause + Menopause Summit!


This summit is packed with no-fluff content you can’t find anywhere else

✔️ The latest science behind natural, effective, and SAFE solutions like superfoods, supplementation, and proven lifestyle practices.

✔️ Which common “health” foods could actually be causing more fatigue, inflammation, and rapid weight gain.

✔️ How to prevent worsening symptoms, complications, and diseases using the most cutting-edge natural medicine on the planet. (This is info your doctor wasn’t taught in med school!)

✔️ No-nonsense protocols & solutions for deep, restful sleep, anxiousness, mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes, low libido, brain fog, vaginal dryness, digestive distress and much more

✔️ The BIGGEST Menopause Myths—including that “menopause means you are officially old…It’s the end of your vitality, beauty, femininity, sensuality, and passion.”

✔️ Why perimenopause sneaks up on so many women, and how—even in your 30s—you can prepare your body for an easy transition to menopause

✔️ Why environmental toxins, and stress, clash with women’s hormones…and how to remove stressors from your life WITHOUT quitting your job, moving to a remote island, or ignoring everyone

If you’ve tried figuring this out on your own…and if you’ve tried getting help from your doctor…but you’re still feeling like a frumpy, exhausted shell of your former self…

It’s time to get to the bottom of this and step forward into your new life — one without perimenopause symptoms like brain fog, weight gain, and fatigue weighing you down.

It’s time to engineer your health and program your body for longevity and resilience.


“I bought the VIP pass, so I can listen as many times as I want! I am also looking forward to the book. The biggest thing is that sugar is such a huge problem and that it contributes to so many symptoms.

I knew that, but hearing it so much in the summit really makes it hit home!


Yours is the first of any summits like this where I actually purchased the talks!!! So much incredible information!!! It's inspiring me to do some facet of this for a living!

Thank you for putting this amazing group of people together!!!!


I have only been able to listen to 2 of the sessions in just the first day and loved it - I up graded to the VIP. It is such an incredible deal for all the information /resources at your finger tips.

I am interested in the intermittent fasting and also requesting testing! Knowledge is empowering and knowing what you need.


Thank You to Our Incredible Sponsors 

With the right information, the rest of your life can be the best of your life.

Get strong, take control of your cardiometabolic health, and build resilience that lasts


Questions? Email

© The Thriving in Perimenopause Summit by Dr. Mariza Snyder 2024

Enter your name & email address below to claim your FREE pass to the Thriving in Perimenopause & Menopause Relief Summit, October 14th - 18th, 2024.